Composite decking manufacturers make many claims about the longevity, environmental friendliness, and beauty of their decking products. If these claims are true, then why are there new composite products on the market every year? Considering composite vs. hardwood doesn’t have to be difficult. Some of the pros and cons of composite vs. hardwood are considered here.
Since these products are man‐made and are a marketing phenomenon we have seen only recently, there is no way to be sure how they weather over 10, 20 or 30 years. How could you be sure that these products are maintenance free? If you can find one intact and structurally sound, inspect a composite deck installed fifteen years ago. Enjoy! But don’t trip on the swells…

The beauty and durability of natural hardwoods such as this Garapa are tough to beat.
Some Dubious Claims
It is also a stretch of the imagination to believe that these products are environmentally friendly. Composite decking is made of sawdust and plastic with an array of chemicals and polymers. These chemicals and polymers require enormous amounts of energy to create. Trees grow from the ground. Therefore, we conclude the natural choice is likely the better one.
Natural hardwood decking’s beauty is unequaled by any composite. Ultimately composite decking products will all appear as superficial as their composition—plastic. Is it time to give your deck a natural facelift?